Tapekiosk is not only a shop of tapes, but also a label devoted to experimental / adventurous music.
If you do similar music, feel free to contact us for a release: info @
Below is the list of our releases:

# 014 JACOB AUDREY TAVES / GINTAS K split tape

Two experimental sound sources – Jacob Audrey Taves (“Holzkopf”, “Organs Without Bodies”, “Assault Charge”, “Other Jesus”) and Gintas K (“Modus”) – converge into one cassette. Electroacoustic explorations emerging from Canada and Lithuania assault the ears with provocative salvos of eccentric sounds. Jacob’s collage of sound, traversing through intricate improvisational music traditions, where glitch, noise, drone, downtempo, and a plethora of other genres blend, gradually transitions into a sterile, and chilly dialogue between tones and microtones, ignited by Gintas K, skillfully reinterpreting musique concrète tradition. This cassette is an experiment particularly angular and unyielding to any country, region, or genre. Welcome to boundless soundscapes!

Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #014
Length – 46 min. 
Tape tpye – I, normal
Edition – 50 hand numbered copies
Released: summer 2024
Listen at bandcamp: here

# 013  S.U.V. “Masculine Sadness”

“Masculine Sadness” is the latest emanation of “S.U.V.,” a niche gem of the German electronic music scene. This three-letter acronym can be decoded in various ways: Sex und Violence, Sonic Unity Vessel, or Spiritually Unleashed Vision. Such diverse interpretations perfectly capture the essence of this project, masterminded by one of Nuremberg’s underground luminaries, Franz Joseph Kaputt. Armed with a solid arsenal of synthesizers and drum machines, this sound geek weaves a sonic web that pays homage to the finest traditions of German electronic music. His soundscape winds through realms of kosmische music, cold techno layers, dense drone and noise textures, and intricately masked hints of folk and world music.

Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #013
Length – 30 min.
Tape tpye – I, normal
Edition – 30 hand numbered copies
Released: summer 2024
Listen at bandcamp: here

# 012  MASĖ “Masė”

Punk rock has not died and will never die! Arūnas Periokas, Olegas Moisejenko, and Mindaugas Valiukas, the formidable trio behind “Masė,” uphold this statement more than anyone else by introducing their debut cassette—one that truly belongs to punk rock! The album echoes genre classics like “Sex Pistols” or “Ramones,” but simultaneously, “Masė” adds weight to its presence by intertwining with the heritage of the Lithuanian punk rock scene. The debut record carries a strong flavor of the legendary local act “SA-SA,” as well as touches of later Lithuanian punk rock scene icons like “Turboreanimacija” or “Dr. Green.” “Masė’s” punk rock embraces different eras and geographical zones of the genre while infused with a solid dose of electronics. Don’t be surprised if, while listening to “Masė,” you recall another Lithuanian scene landmark band “Fanarai” and the insane cyberpunk scene!

Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #012
Length – 23 min.
Tape tpye – I, normal
Edition – 50 hand numbered copies
Released: spring 2024
Listen at bandcamp: here

# 011  ŠALNA “So Low”

ŠALNA is the pseudonym of the performer, flutist and music creator Mėta Gabrielė Pelegrimaitė. The performer is known from such groups as “Ambulance on Fire” or free and jazz improvisational music “SNUS” ”Improdimensijos Orkestras”, “Fleitų 3”. This solo project is a synthesis between experimental electronic dance music, songs and spoken word. One of the main points in this album are the lyrics. Mostly it’s
about difficult inner states. The lyrics are permeated with apathy,
balancing between being and non-being, confusion and suffering, sometimes conveyed directly, sometimes
wrapped in metaphors, states. One can feel the influences of stylistic
eclecticism – trap, triphop, drum’n’bass, post-punk, 80’s, etc.

Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #011
Length – 23 min. 
Tape tpye – I, normal
Edition – 50 hand numbered copies
Released: winter 2024
Listen at bandcamp: here

# 010     GIMĖ MIRĖ
„Grojara​š​tis Lietuvos radijui apie lietuvi​š​ką b​ū​t​į​“

Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #010
Limited edition of 50 cassettes. Length – 46 min.
Release date 1st of January, 2024.
Due particular reason, no tracks online.
Gimė Mirė:
Link to bandcamp: here

#009   PAS MUSIQUE “Unexpected”

Rapid breathing, increased heart rate and dopamine slowly flooding the brain. This is an amazement! The amazement coming from the unexpectedness that unfolds in the latest release of Robert L. Pepper’s project “Pas Musique”, which has been in the New York underground for more than two decades. A musical shoe placed on a sturdy krautrock rhythmic shoe tree is far from sandals we wear in the summertime. Rather, it is a pair of shoes designed for exploring the city’s nooks, and when wearing them, you are invited to embark on an adventure of getting to know the constantly repeating rhythmic structures and the harsh, industrial layers that accompany them. An adventure that, at the most unexpected moments, will open the gates to the prairies of tribalistic music or start to reminiscence “kraftwerkish” timbres.

Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #009
Length – 60 min. 
Tape tpye – I, normal
Edition – 50 hand numbered copies
Released: summer 2023
Listen at bandcamp: here

#008   gimė – mirė  “pavasario vakarai vis ilgyn”

The Beginning and the end, or birth and death, shrouded in a haze in the Lithuanian underground and occasionally appearing in the film music industry, Rytis Koreniukas tries to convert lengthening spring evenings into sounds. The glow of the evening in this cassette cut through metaphysical and physical space. Viscous lo-fi loops, cold industrial bustles, melancholic trip-hop layers, or IDM/glitch style glimmering rays of sunshine, sound out the shame of human greed, downs of life, pierce the silence of the evening and brightly illuminate the mirage of Jerusalem or the walls of a single-room apartment. R. Koreniukas’ soundscape, wandering between surrealism and hyperrealism, perfectly embodies the miracle of birth and the imminence of death.

Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #008
Length – 46 min. 
Tape tpye – I, normal
Edition – 50 hand numbered copies
Released: spring 2023
Listen at bandcamp: here

#007   BEKELE  “Bekele”

BEKELE – is an improvised electronics duo from Kaunas,
which consists of Arma Agharta (synth, voice and electronics) and
Arnas Mikalkėnas (percussion and electronics).
This is a debut tape by this project. 4 tracks with a total length of 28 minutes.

Artwork: Giulia Deval
Tapekiosk catalogue nr: #007
Supported by:, Barcelona
Tape type – I, normal
Edition – 46 hand numbered copies
Material recorded in Kaunas, Jazz academy, summer of 2021.

#006  VILNIAUS ASORTI  vol. 1   compilation

This is a compilation of current male experimental sound artists from Vilnius city.
Material collected in the second half of 2021.

Artists: Gintautas Rožė, BRTQ, gimė-mirė, Keisto Gylio Transmisijos, Gana 2,
Arturas Bumšteinas, Materialist, DJ. Extended feat. Kazimieras Jušinskas, Vladas Dieninis.

Cover artwork: Gvidas Pakarklis 
Mastering: Studija1212
Tape type – II, chrome
Length – 40 min
Edition of 50 hand numbered copies
Listen at bandcamp: here

#005  23SUSPECT “Passing by unconsciously” mixtape

“Let’s play it so loud.. When the change of social behaviors and the extinction of pristine
sources are bright and clear but unseen.”
A mixtape by DJ from Panevėžys, Lithuania.

Cover artwork: Lukas Kukuraitis
Tape type – I, super ferric (SONY HF-S, HF-ES)
Length – 90 min.
Edition of 25 hand numbered copies
Listen excerpt at soundcloud: here

#004  WEEVIL  “Metalorganic”  mixtape

“While picking music for this recording I had the word Metalorganic going around in my mind.
Metal and organic sonic origin sounds I’ve been exploring for quite some time”. – Weevil.
A mixtape by DJ from Kaunas, Lithuania.

DJ: Weevil
Cover artwork: Lukas Kukuraitis
Tape type – I, super ferric (SONY HF-S, HF-ES)
Length – 90 min.
Edition of 25 hand numbered copies
Listen excerpt at soundcloud: here

#003  KAUNO ASORTI vol. 1   compilation

This compilation presents the current experimental sound artists from Kaunas city and suburbs.
Material collected in the summer 2021.

Artists: Kojos Sopa, Bekele, VS Glaciers, Greitas Smėlis, Davai Bėgam,
Patris Židelevičius, Entropija, Psichotropikai, _apvaliai
Cover artwork: Gvidas Pakarklis
Supported by Lithuanian council for culture
Tape type – II, chrome
Length – 40 min.
Edition of 50 hand numbered copies
Listen at bandcamp: here

#002  HOLZKOPF  “List in the plains”

An instrumental deep dive into interdimensional plane shifting.
This album by Canadian artist Holzkopf is mixed as one continuous 30 minute journey, the listener
gets hints of disco, post-industrial, pop and noise shredded through feedback pathways
and angular editing processes. Hypnotic, jarring and counter intuitive,
List in the Plains covers hundreds of miles in a little under half an hour.

Artist: Holzkopf
Cover artwork: Ben Sanair
Printing: KG press
Tape photo: Dovilė Berlinskaitė
Tape type – II, chrome
Edition of 100 hand numbered copies
Material recorded and constructed spring and summer 2020 in Canada.
Listen at bandcamp: here

#001  BANACHTARSKI  “Trikova”

This is the first release by Tapekiosk. Banachtarski is the duo project by Lithuanians
Antanas Dombrovskij and Armantas Gečiauskas.”Trikova” consists of seven tracks,
30 minutes of circuit bent electronics and synths inspired by the mythology of digital times.

Artist: Banachtarski
Artwork – Žvėrūna.
Printing – KG press.
Duplication –
Support – Lithuanian council for culture.
Material recorded at Menų zona residency, Rokiškis culture house,
and at small house in Vilnius county.
Tape type – II, chrome 50 copies, type I – 10 copies.
Edition – 60 hand numbered copies.
Listen at bandcamp: here